06-01 03:25 PM
I have already sent a link to this petition to my local Congressman and Senator. You can do the same...let other people know so that we can reach as many Senators and Congressmen as possible and convey our thoughts to them
wallpaper BMW 320d Coupe Automatic 2010
03-16 01:13 PM
can someone please give me some advices about this situation?
I'm in US since Aug 2006 with F1 visa (and F2 my spouse).
Nothing changed in 2007, and I didn't leave US at all.
Then in June 2008, my visa status changed to H1B (and H4 for spouse).
I am also receiving tuition waiver as employment benefits (I got the 1098T form for that).
Spouse does not have ITIN and never filed any returns in US. By the way, is there a problem I didn't request an ITIN for my spouse by now? should F2 always have an ITIN even if spouse has never had any income of any sort?
I have always filed 1040NR-EZ (for 2006 and 2007) but didn't claim spouse these 2 years (while on F2)
My question is whether I have substantial presence in US after 3 years or not, and which form should I file. How about spouse's (with no ITIN) tax forms? Thank you.
You are "dual status alien" for the purpose of tax filing. I came across same thing when I switched from F1 to H1.
This is one situation, where you ideally "have to Itemized" (and this is true for India and it depends on Treaty with every country, it is different for lot of coutries).
My sincere advise, just go to H and R block and get it done (this was the only year when I had my taxes done through H and R block). From the next year you will be "resident alien" and should be able to file using turbotax by yourself.
Good Luck.
I'm in US since Aug 2006 with F1 visa (and F2 my spouse).
Nothing changed in 2007, and I didn't leave US at all.
Then in June 2008, my visa status changed to H1B (and H4 for spouse).
I am also receiving tuition waiver as employment benefits (I got the 1098T form for that).
Spouse does not have ITIN and never filed any returns in US. By the way, is there a problem I didn't request an ITIN for my spouse by now? should F2 always have an ITIN even if spouse has never had any income of any sort?
I have always filed 1040NR-EZ (for 2006 and 2007) but didn't claim spouse these 2 years (while on F2)
My question is whether I have substantial presence in US after 3 years or not, and which form should I file. How about spouse's (with no ITIN) tax forms? Thank you.
You are "dual status alien" for the purpose of tax filing. I came across same thing when I switched from F1 to H1.
This is one situation, where you ideally "have to Itemized" (and this is true for India and it depends on Treaty with every country, it is different for lot of coutries).
My sincere advise, just go to H and R block and get it done (this was the only year when I had my taxes done through H and R block). From the next year you will be "resident alien" and should be able to file using turbotax by yourself.
Good Luck.
05-04 02:17 PM
Here are the relevant parts of the transcript ( :
COOPER: Rising gas prices aren't the only thing causing heartburn this election year. Immigration reform is close behind. The battle at the border has spread into the heartland and across the country. Some politicians already paying the price. Ahead, we'll get a reality check from the best political team around.
Plus, a brazen break in the border. They've actually poured concrete here and they've formed steps which makes it easier for whoever was bringing drugs into the United States, actually climb up through the tunnel.
Tunnel built by drug runners. We showed it to you back in January. Now there's a new development in the story. What's going to happen to the tunnel? We'll bring you the latest next on 360.
COOPER: Those pictures, of course, from Monday's massive immigration demonstrations. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and their supporters in the streets. They wanted to show their economic power. They hoped that would translate into political power. But now some critics are saying it's actually had the opposite effect, creating a backlash. And in at least one city so far the issue has already cost a Mayor his job. Here's CNN's Candy Crowley.
CANDY CROWLEY, SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: This is where day laborers, mostly immigrants, legal and not, hang out looking for work in Herndon, Virginia. It may not look like an election issue, but last night, voters threw out their mayor and two city council members who pushed for the day labor center. This is the new mayor.
STEVE DEBENEDITTIS, HERNDON VIRGINIA MAYOR-ELECT: Welcome immigrants, but they have concerns, valid concerns, about illegal immigration.
CROWLEY: Fewer than 3,000 people voted in Herndon. Just about 24 hours after the nation watched hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and not, demonstrate across the country.
FRANK SHARRY, EXEC. DIR., NATIONAL IMMIGRATION FORUM: I've never known a politician who wasn't attracted to a large crowd. And these have been some pretty large crowds.
CROWLEY: True enough, it was evidence that the immigrant community can galvanize itself. The question is, to what end? Congress is reading the tea leaves.
SEN. HARRY REID, (D) MINORITY LEADER: I personally believe very, very fervently that they have helped, helped picture this issue in the minds of the American people in a positive fashion.
CROWLEY: Tea leaf reading is not an exact science, particularly in an election year where frankly democrats would be better off if the republican-led congress did nothing.
SHARRY: I think the congress is going to have a lot of explaining to do if they don't end this session with a good comprehensive bill.
CROWLEY: Republicans desperate for something to tout as accomplishment, anxious not to alienate core conservative voters, are afraid the demonstrations harden conservative opposition to anything that smacks of a break for illegals. SEN. MEL MARTINEZ, (R) FLORIDA: I believe at the end of the day we'll see that it really had a negative effect and it backfired on those of us who are trying to move forward something that is comprehensive but yet in middle course.
CROWLEY: Senator Mel Martinez of Florida says since Monday's demonstrations calls to his office have run 10 to 1 against his bill providing tougher border security and a pathway to citizenship after hurdles are jumped.
JOHN FUNU, WALL STREET JOURNAL: The boycott has so heated up the measure that we're not going to have any bill this year. It's simply poisoned the well.
CROWLEY: As Washington lawmakers struggle with the political weight of all those demonstrations --
SEN. JOHN CORNYN, (R) TEXAS: It wasn't clear exactly what the message was. And I think in some ways it tended to polarize people.
CROWLEY: Herndon, Virginia, is already discussing changes to ensure the day labor center cannot be used by illegals. The problem with tea leaves is, you never know which ones to read. Candy Crowley, CNN, Washington.
COOPER: Well, earlier I spoke with Candy Crowley along with John Roberts and John King, part of the best political team on television.
COOPER: John Roberts, what are the prospects for getting immigration reform this year?
JOHN ROBERTS, SR. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That would depend on who you talk to. Some republicans who want to put a good spin on this say that it's possible that they can get it done. It might even be possible that they could get it done by the August recess. Other people including the White House are much more pessimistic about it saying they don't expect anything to happen until after the November election.
COOPER: Candy, I mean could these demonstrations really have backfired and derailed a compromised deal, even among those who support some sort of reform?
CROWLEY: Absolutely. I mean, the problem really is, first of all, the politics are that the democrats would rather have the issue at this point because it's an election year than a bill. The republicans would like a bill because it will be an accomplishment, but they have problems with their conservative core. And the people we talked to said listen, the demonstrations backfired. It left -- people looked and said well they're not working, and they're out demonstrating. You know, fair or not, the conservative core sort of toughened up. It seemed to have hardened both sides of this debate. COOPER: John King, a lot of talk, too about all the Mexican flags out in the street. Obviously there were a lot of American flags where organizers really tried to get American flags out there. But that certainly angers a lot of people. What are you hearing from the people you talked to in Washington?
JOHN KING, CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that tactic, as Candy just noted, there is a backfiring from these demonstrations. And that tactic in particular has emboldened conservatives. Remember the key question here is, if they can get a bill through the senate, can they then get the house to embrace a more liberal immigration policy? The house members, most are from safe conservative districts. And back home in their districts they didn't feel all that much pressure to begin with. And what they are saying now is that this sends an anti-American signal.
If these people want legal status in the United States, they should be holding American flags, they should be demonstrating for rights in the United States not celebrating Mexico or El Salvador. So to that degree, while the masses in the streets certainly showed the emerging political power and potential political power of the Latino vote, that symbol has helped the opponents of this measure especially in the house. It has simply stiffened the resolve of conservatives who say no to any new broad immigration reform.
COOPER: Rising gas prices aren't the only thing causing heartburn this election year. Immigration reform is close behind. The battle at the border has spread into the heartland and across the country. Some politicians already paying the price. Ahead, we'll get a reality check from the best political team around.
Plus, a brazen break in the border. They've actually poured concrete here and they've formed steps which makes it easier for whoever was bringing drugs into the United States, actually climb up through the tunnel.
Tunnel built by drug runners. We showed it to you back in January. Now there's a new development in the story. What's going to happen to the tunnel? We'll bring you the latest next on 360.
COOPER: Those pictures, of course, from Monday's massive immigration demonstrations. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and their supporters in the streets. They wanted to show their economic power. They hoped that would translate into political power. But now some critics are saying it's actually had the opposite effect, creating a backlash. And in at least one city so far the issue has already cost a Mayor his job. Here's CNN's Candy Crowley.
CANDY CROWLEY, SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: This is where day laborers, mostly immigrants, legal and not, hang out looking for work in Herndon, Virginia. It may not look like an election issue, but last night, voters threw out their mayor and two city council members who pushed for the day labor center. This is the new mayor.
STEVE DEBENEDITTIS, HERNDON VIRGINIA MAYOR-ELECT: Welcome immigrants, but they have concerns, valid concerns, about illegal immigration.
CROWLEY: Fewer than 3,000 people voted in Herndon. Just about 24 hours after the nation watched hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and not, demonstrate across the country.
FRANK SHARRY, EXEC. DIR., NATIONAL IMMIGRATION FORUM: I've never known a politician who wasn't attracted to a large crowd. And these have been some pretty large crowds.
CROWLEY: True enough, it was evidence that the immigrant community can galvanize itself. The question is, to what end? Congress is reading the tea leaves.
SEN. HARRY REID, (D) MINORITY LEADER: I personally believe very, very fervently that they have helped, helped picture this issue in the minds of the American people in a positive fashion.
CROWLEY: Tea leaf reading is not an exact science, particularly in an election year where frankly democrats would be better off if the republican-led congress did nothing.
SHARRY: I think the congress is going to have a lot of explaining to do if they don't end this session with a good comprehensive bill.
CROWLEY: Republicans desperate for something to tout as accomplishment, anxious not to alienate core conservative voters, are afraid the demonstrations harden conservative opposition to anything that smacks of a break for illegals. SEN. MEL MARTINEZ, (R) FLORIDA: I believe at the end of the day we'll see that it really had a negative effect and it backfired on those of us who are trying to move forward something that is comprehensive but yet in middle course.
CROWLEY: Senator Mel Martinez of Florida says since Monday's demonstrations calls to his office have run 10 to 1 against his bill providing tougher border security and a pathway to citizenship after hurdles are jumped.
JOHN FUNU, WALL STREET JOURNAL: The boycott has so heated up the measure that we're not going to have any bill this year. It's simply poisoned the well.
CROWLEY: As Washington lawmakers struggle with the political weight of all those demonstrations --
SEN. JOHN CORNYN, (R) TEXAS: It wasn't clear exactly what the message was. And I think in some ways it tended to polarize people.
CROWLEY: Herndon, Virginia, is already discussing changes to ensure the day labor center cannot be used by illegals. The problem with tea leaves is, you never know which ones to read. Candy Crowley, CNN, Washington.
COOPER: Well, earlier I spoke with Candy Crowley along with John Roberts and John King, part of the best political team on television.
COOPER: John Roberts, what are the prospects for getting immigration reform this year?
JOHN ROBERTS, SR. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That would depend on who you talk to. Some republicans who want to put a good spin on this say that it's possible that they can get it done. It might even be possible that they could get it done by the August recess. Other people including the White House are much more pessimistic about it saying they don't expect anything to happen until after the November election.
COOPER: Candy, I mean could these demonstrations really have backfired and derailed a compromised deal, even among those who support some sort of reform?
CROWLEY: Absolutely. I mean, the problem really is, first of all, the politics are that the democrats would rather have the issue at this point because it's an election year than a bill. The republicans would like a bill because it will be an accomplishment, but they have problems with their conservative core. And the people we talked to said listen, the demonstrations backfired. It left -- people looked and said well they're not working, and they're out demonstrating. You know, fair or not, the conservative core sort of toughened up. It seemed to have hardened both sides of this debate. COOPER: John King, a lot of talk, too about all the Mexican flags out in the street. Obviously there were a lot of American flags where organizers really tried to get American flags out there. But that certainly angers a lot of people. What are you hearing from the people you talked to in Washington?
JOHN KING, CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that tactic, as Candy just noted, there is a backfiring from these demonstrations. And that tactic in particular has emboldened conservatives. Remember the key question here is, if they can get a bill through the senate, can they then get the house to embrace a more liberal immigration policy? The house members, most are from safe conservative districts. And back home in their districts they didn't feel all that much pressure to begin with. And what they are saying now is that this sends an anti-American signal.
If these people want legal status in the United States, they should be holding American flags, they should be demonstrating for rights in the United States not celebrating Mexico or El Salvador. So to that degree, while the masses in the streets certainly showed the emerging political power and potential political power of the Latino vote, that symbol has helped the opponents of this measure especially in the house. It has simply stiffened the resolve of conservatives who say no to any new broad immigration reform.
2011 I started looking at coupes.
11-26 02:17 AM
If he was really smart he would've put up this inconspicuous yet artistically perfect image. Can you notice the subtle differences?
Oh yeah, and I'm impressed you knew the term dimpled chad and managed to work it into a sentence somewhere.
Oh yeah, and I'm impressed you knew the term dimpled chad and managed to work it into a sentence somewhere.

09-27 06:21 PM
--u can find a one year program in your school and apply soon..they do have a certain time frame to accept your application for Spring semester, say mid of October(depends upon Univ.)...Financial assistant could be a factor but if you can somehow get an I-20 for that should be safe
--Most important,get in touch with your advisor
--At last, apply for a toursit visa
Good Luck.
--Most important,get in touch with your advisor
--At last, apply for a toursit visa
Good Luck.
06-11 12:18 PM
Mr. Sanju,
We are all aware of what going on at the Senate floor and also about the ammendments that put forth on the floor. So my question is clear anc simple what ammendment is supported by CORE IV and what are we looking for.
Because the passing of the current version of the bill will effect all the old cases which many people are in and I wont allow that to happen. I will try my best to avoid this situation to happen. Even though i have a MAster in engineering I will not support SKIL progran that will void the previously pending cases. Good try core IV yto make member to work towards the betterment of few people You know what such people are called" SELFFISH". Guys beware on whaT ACTIONS YOU ARE DOING SO THAT YOU WONT REPENT.
Cannot you read english and don't you understand.Read about the bill and IV's position on the bill in forum or search the forum.
We will not repent what ever happens.Atleast we are not giving up without fighting like you..Don't warn us about IV..if you don't trust IV..don't login here..
We are all aware of what going on at the Senate floor and also about the ammendments that put forth on the floor. So my question is clear anc simple what ammendment is supported by CORE IV and what are we looking for.
Because the passing of the current version of the bill will effect all the old cases which many people are in and I wont allow that to happen. I will try my best to avoid this situation to happen. Even though i have a MAster in engineering I will not support SKIL progran that will void the previously pending cases. Good try core IV yto make member to work towards the betterment of few people You know what such people are called" SELFFISH". Guys beware on whaT ACTIONS YOU ARE DOING SO THAT YOU WONT REPENT.
Cannot you read english and don't you understand.Read about the bill and IV's position on the bill in forum or search the forum.
We will not repent what ever happens.Atleast we are not giving up without fighting like you..Don't warn us about IV..if you don't trust IV..don't login here..
08-22 03:47 PM
Ruchigup, Are you sending AC21 document? I am also leaving my current employer and taking AC21 route. I am retaining my lawyer. He is supportive and hopefully, will not ask retainer fee as he knows that i paid all my gc cost.
Can you please share your AC21 experience so far ? Is your new job exactly similar ?
Can you please share your AC21 experience so far ? Is your new job exactly similar ?
2010 Coupe and Convertible.
07-18 12:51 PM
The flower campaign has done it job. Now, that ImmigrationVoice's voice has been heard, lets get requests channeled through the right way.
08-05 06:30 AM
I am in similar situation.
I have AP valid till Oct 3rd, 2010. My new AP application is with USCIS and have not received the approval. I will be traveling to Canada on August 15th for one week. I am planning to return on current AP. My question is: if my new AP gets approved when I am in Canada, will that cause any issue in my I-485 or re-entry to US.
i was in same situation. couldn't get new AP in time. went for stamping in India.
my attorney's advise was, u can't use the new AP, if u weren't here in US when it was approved. but after u come back using old valid AP or H stamp, u can use the new AP, for travel next time.
if u read 131 instructions, it talks about abandoning app.
basically, if u have no other status like H status, if u are using EAD for work and AP for travel,
and if u leave US before approval of AP, ur 485 considered abandoned.
Page 4, Section E.
I have AP valid till Oct 3rd, 2010. My new AP application is with USCIS and have not received the approval. I will be traveling to Canada on August 15th for one week. I am planning to return on current AP. My question is: if my new AP gets approved when I am in Canada, will that cause any issue in my I-485 or re-entry to US.
i was in same situation. couldn't get new AP in time. went for stamping in India.
my attorney's advise was, u can't use the new AP, if u weren't here in US when it was approved. but after u come back using old valid AP or H stamp, u can use the new AP, for travel next time.
if u read 131 instructions, it talks about abandoning app.
basically, if u have no other status like H status, if u are using EAD for work and AP for travel,
and if u leave US before approval of AP, ur 485 considered abandoned.
Page 4, Section E.
hair Out of the city, this BMW 330d
08-18 03:26 PM
In 2008 My wife applied for H1B and My wife got her H1B approved and along with the approval she got new I-94
valid till Sep 2011.
But she was not able to start working/ find a job due to family reasons and economy conditions.
1. Whether she Out of status since she did not work on her H1?
2. If she starts working now for the employer can she get back the status?
3. What are the ways for her get back to H4 if she not going work?
4. How we can correct her status?
valid till Sep 2011.
But she was not able to start working/ find a job due to family reasons and economy conditions.
1. Whether she Out of status since she did not work on her H1?
2. If she starts working now for the employer can she get back the status?
3. What are the ways for her get back to H4 if she not going work?
4. How we can correct her status?
02-12 02:46 PM
it wudnt be automatic simply because the primary on the 485 might not be ROW but the secondary would be ROW.
I would think Cross-Charegeability is automatic. I mean if one spouse is birth country India/China and one is ROW, I would think cross charegeability is automatic but then again not a 100% sure.
I would think Cross-Charegeability is automatic. I mean if one spouse is birth country India/China and one is ROW, I would think cross charegeability is automatic but then again not a 100% sure.
hot BMW 3 Series Coupé 330d M
01-28 08:19 PM
Although it does not feature in this article, Bush is using the word 'Guest Worker' more often these days. Any opinions about the emphasis on the word 'Guest' these days in Bush's speeches? Is there a covert message there?
He is backing off from amnesty. Guest worker is one option without amnesty. Here is numbersusa crap ( on covert message.
Current state of guest worker program is at Unions Split on Immigrant Workers (
He is backing off from amnesty. Guest worker is one option without amnesty. Here is numbersusa crap ( on covert message.
Current state of guest worker program is at Unions Split on Immigrant Workers (
house Kelleners BMW 330d Coupe -
12-03 11:58 AM
What your lawyer says in incorrect. I have had my visa stamped successfully only for 3 months validity in the past. Even this time I have only 2 months left (until Feb 2008) but am still going for stamping. So do not worry. As long as you have one more day left, you can get it stamped. Good luck.
bach007 , I do very much appreciate your reply. I did call up mumbai and delhi visa center and they also said the same thing. Needless to say my lawyer needs to do lot of reading and research before answering any queries.
bach007 , I do very much appreciate your reply. I did call up mumbai and delhi visa center and they also said the same thing. Needless to say my lawyer needs to do lot of reading and research before answering any queries.
tattoo BMW has definitely been
02-15 10:55 AM
Also your immigration attorney's involvement is very crucial in regard to your case.
pictures Photo of BMW 330D
09-20 08:52 AM
This exact issue is clearly discussed by Mathew Q&A section at He clearly says you are responsible for USCIS mistake if you did not bring that mistake to their notice. You have to get it corrected for one year ASAP and should contact the attorney at the earliest to do this.
dresses BMW 330d Coupé
10-15 11:51 AM
What are you saying? Health Services dismal? I thought it was better than US in many aspects. The cost is cheap for treatment (unless you have some uncommon disease. Since the system is churning up so many doctors, there is a lot of competition. Even in small villages you will find many doctors competing for patients. Maybe that is not true for everywhere, but that is what I have seen in my home state Haryana.
Also the education system may not be perfect, but kids don't have to go to private schools, because public schools have run out of capacity. There are problems like not all-around development, and not all kids doing great in studies. But that is true even in US, unless you are sending your kids to a fine private school (which by the way you can do in India, if you have money). JMHO
US has been in number 1 in the past, moved to 2nd spot for a couple of years, in the world competitiveness rankings. For the first time, the US moved to the 6th Spot in the world rankings by the world economic forum (Europe based Institution). The main reason was because of the huge current account deficit and negative savings (mainly federal deficit) which is a threat to the US competitiveness. China moved down due to corruption etc. India moved up but any further movement will depend on structural reforms, especially controlling the huge public service and red-tape and a creaking infrastructure - power, roads, ports, water supply - all of which are run by the government. The health services in large parts of India is dismal and so is the public education system (K-12). With the left firmly controlling the ruling party, deregulation is slow and insipid, and it is the private sector which is basically contributing to the GDP and Competitiveness. Here is the link to the actual rankings for 2006-2007
The reasons for the rankings are given here
Also the education system may not be perfect, but kids don't have to go to private schools, because public schools have run out of capacity. There are problems like not all-around development, and not all kids doing great in studies. But that is true even in US, unless you are sending your kids to a fine private school (which by the way you can do in India, if you have money). JMHO
US has been in number 1 in the past, moved to 2nd spot for a couple of years, in the world competitiveness rankings. For the first time, the US moved to the 6th Spot in the world rankings by the world economic forum (Europe based Institution). The main reason was because of the huge current account deficit and negative savings (mainly federal deficit) which is a threat to the US competitiveness. China moved down due to corruption etc. India moved up but any further movement will depend on structural reforms, especially controlling the huge public service and red-tape and a creaking infrastructure - power, roads, ports, water supply - all of which are run by the government. The health services in large parts of India is dismal and so is the public education system (K-12). With the left firmly controlling the ruling party, deregulation is slow and insipid, and it is the private sector which is basically contributing to the GDP and Competitiveness. Here is the link to the actual rankings for 2006-2007
The reasons for the rankings are given here
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May 23rd, 2005, 01:47 PM
Hey, good job on these photos. I've been down there before and I've noticed that you really have about a 10 minute window just after the sun comes up and before the sun goes down when the light pulls out details and colours out of the rock that you never saw before!
girlfriend BMW 3.30 XD COUPE
08-18 04:59 PM
If your wife's I-94, which she have received at the time of entering to USA on dependent visa was valid till the date of the starting new the job, she should be fine even if she has not started working on H1 after approval. She has maintained the H4 status during that period as per I-94.
My wife here on H4 and she go H1 but she started job after a while as employer delayed. But her status was valid. Even she told the same to the US counselor New Delhi and she got h1 stamping done. Gap of H1 approval effective date and employment was about 2 months.
If you would ask this question to any attorney, you may get same reply. But asking to attorney is advisable.
My wife here on H4 and she go H1 but she started job after a while as employer delayed. But her status was valid. Even she told the same to the US counselor New Delhi and she got h1 stamping done. Gap of H1 approval effective date and employment was about 2 months.
If you would ask this question to any attorney, you may get same reply. But asking to attorney is advisable.
hairstyles BMW 330xd Coupe Aut.
07-14 08:43 PM
One should be good enough.
08-01 11:07 PM
2008 quota can never be used in 2007.
I mean most of the 2008 quote WILL BE used not already been used..
I mean most of the 2008 quote WILL BE used not already been used..
07-17 10:52 PM
You are OK. This is taken from the 485 instructions.
File all employment-based AOS applications at the following address:
USCIS Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 87485
Lincoln, NE 68501-7485
This includes an employment-based Form I-485 filed concurrently with a Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, and an employment-based Form I-485 filed based on a pending or an approved Form I-140. To facilitate acceptance and processing of Form I-485 when Form I-140 has already been approved, submit a copy of the I-140 approval notice.
what does this mean ? did I file to wrong Service Center?:(
File all employment-based AOS applications at the following address:
USCIS Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 87485
Lincoln, NE 68501-7485
This includes an employment-based Form I-485 filed concurrently with a Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, and an employment-based Form I-485 filed based on a pending or an approved Form I-140. To facilitate acceptance and processing of Form I-485 when Form I-140 has already been approved, submit a copy of the I-140 approval notice.
what does this mean ? did I file to wrong Service Center?:(
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